
Two Simple Ways of Using NE

Like Chinese particle , is also a common particle word used to end a sentence in Chinese. In this post, we will introduce two simple ways of, one of the most common particle words in learning Chinese grammar.

This is when someone asks you a question, and you return the question to them after answering it. This is commonly done by simply asking “你呢?”. We may call it a “bounce-back” question. For example, when you first meet somebody, you may introduce each other by:
nǐjiào shén me mínɡ zi
A: 什么 名字?
What’s your name?

wǒ jiào jiékè   nǐne
B: 杰克, 你呢?
I am Jack, what about you?

Another usage of is probably to form simple queries. It’s very easy to query things in Chinese using . Just say the thing you’d like to know about, and put right after it. When used this way, can combine with question words to emphasize a query. Examples:
tā yǒu shénme bù xǐhuɑn chī de ne
有什么 喜欢 呢?
Why is that he doesn’t like eating?

tā wèishénme méi lái ne
为什么 没来 呢?
Why didn’t she come?

These questions are also grammatically valid questions without , but by adding the speaker makes it clear that they don’t just want an answer to the question. Maybe they’re questioning the situation or even criticizing it.

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