
Chinese Phrases Related to GOLD

There are a great many Chinese phrases and mastering them is not easy work. However, if we categorize them, things will become much easier. For example, in this article, we will learn a group of Chinese phrases related to GOLD.
黄金时间 (huánɡ jīn shí jiān) Golden Time
Golden time refers to a period of time of the day, when the rating of TV or radio audience is the highest. We know that the TV station often let important news or popular TV programs to be broadcast in the most popular period, during which the advertiser are more willing to choose to put up their advertisements, to draw the attention of the most people. In China, according to an official survey, the golden time is from 18:30 to 22:00.
黄金时代 Golden Times (huánɡ jīn shí dài)
After you learn Chinese online for some time we may know that 时代 and 时间 are both related to time, but 时代 often means a long time – 10 years. So, 黄金时代 refers to the most important 10 years and it implies the most valuable and fruitful period in one’s life.
黄金周 Golden Week (huánɡ jīn zhōu)
Actually, Chinese 黄金周is a way of having holidays, that come from Japan. In the year 1999, Chinese government decided to extned the New Year holiday, Labor’s Day on May 1st and National holiday to 7 days by combining the weekends before and after them, thus more and more people can take this time to travel further places. The golden week has become an important factor to strengthen domestic consuming and contributes greatly to the development of Chinese economy.

Now do you know the meaning of these “golden” phrases? Stay with us to learn more and in the meanwhile, you may also want to try these simple Chinese phrases used in daily conversational situations such as greeting, shopping, travelling, etc.

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