
Learn to say different weathers in Chinese

Learning to talk about different weathers in Chinese is a big part in Chinese online lessons. Weather is one of the most fundamental areas of communication as it is so closely connected to our daily life. Another reason we need to learn different weathers is that this topic appears frequently in HSK exams, which demand us to pay more attention in the HSK prep.
About Rains
In Chinese, the most commonly used decoration words are “大”,“中”and“小”meaning “big”, “medium” and “small”. So, when there is a heavy rain, we can say:“今天大雨”,and likewise, we can also say “中雨”and “小雨”. Besides, there are other words to describe different types of rains such as 雷阵雨,which is thunder shower, 暴雨 which is rainstorm, and 细雨 which means “It is drizzling.”
About Snow
Actually, the words describing a snowy weather is quite the same to the ones describing . In Chinese, we can say“大雪”,“中雪”,“小雪”or “暴雪”. But we can’t say “雷阵雪”or “细雪”.
Besides “” and “there are other types of weathers: If you want to say the weather is sunny, you can say qíng ()cloudy, duō yún (多云)etc. The above are the most frequently used expressions we learned from today’s mandarin tutorial, and I hope that you will master them because it will be very helpful for you when you need to talk about weather in Chinese.

Before we end, I will put a question here: Among the different weathers, maybe the most uncomfortable one is “雨夹雪”. Do you know what it is like if the weather is “雨夹雪”?


  1. It would be great to add some pinyin in your blog posts. Thanks a bunch :)

    1. Thank you for your advice! We will put more pinyin for beginners.
